Best teachers of the semester

Wednesday 20 Dec 17


Sadasivan Puthusserypady Kumaran
Groupleader, Associate Professor
DTU Health Tech
+45 45 25 36 52


Efren Fernandez Grande
Associate Professor
DTU Electro
+45 45 25 39 40
The best teachers of the semester were announced this week at a DTU Elektro Department meeting.

At a Department meeting on 19 December 2017 it was announced by our Deputy Head of Department Michael A.E. Andersen that the best teachers of the spring/June-August 2017 semester are:

Associate Professor Sadasivan Puthusserypady, Biomedical Engineering group, for the BSc course: 31561 Applied Signal Processing (Anvendt signalbehandling), and Associate Professor Efren Fernandez Grande, Acoustic Technology group, for the MSc course: 31260 Advanced Acoustics (Videregående akustik).

The nominations are based upon the student evaluations received and examined by the Department's Board of Studies and Management. Both teachers received excellent student evaluations.

(Photo: Benny Johansen)

Student quotes on Sada's teaching: 

“Encouraging, friendly and with high academic demands and expectations.”

“Excellent lecturer.”

(Photo: Benny Johansen)

Student quotes on Efrens's teaching: 

“Excellent teacher, who is very passionate and willing to improve.”

“Amazing and committed.”

Visit DTU Elektro's 'Best teacher of the semester' page.

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