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06 NOV

Inaugural lecture on acoustic-mechanical microsystems

Frieder Lucklum is a new Professor at the Centre for Acoustic-Mechanical Microsystems (CAMM) at DTU Electrical Engineering.

Sound Construction Hearing aids Medical equipment and systems
Provost Rasmus Larsen, Professor Frieder Lucklum, and Head of Department Preben Jørgensen, DTU Electrical Engineering. (Photo: Nadia Jane Larsen).
06 NOV

Tiltrædelsesforelæsning om akustik og mekanik i mikroskala

Frieder Lucklum er ny professor ved Centre for Acoustic-Mechanical Microsystems (CAMM) på DTU Elektro.

Sound Construction Hearing aids Medical equipment and systems
Sound-field ASSR measurement in the audiovisual immersion lab (AVIL) - (Photo: Valentina Zapata-Rodríguez/Ana Sofía Patiño)
12 AUG

Better adaptation of hearing aids for infants

New research contributes to assessing whether a room in a hearing clinic is suitable when the hearing aids of tomorrow are to be adapted to infants who are just a few months...

Electrotechnology Sound Hearing aids Medical equipment and systems
Sound-field ASSR measurement in the audiovisual immersion lab (AVIL) - (Photo: Valentina Zapata-Rodríguez/Ana Sofía Patiño)
12 AUG

Bedre tilpasning af høreapparater til spædbørn

Ny forskning bidrager til at vurdere, om et rum i en høreklinik er egnet, når høreapparater i fremtiden skal tilpasses spædbørn, der blot er et par måneder gamle. 

Sound Electrotechnology Hearing aids Medical equipment and systems
Frieder Lucklum (Foto: Benny Johansen)
06 JAN

Ny leder af CAMM centret

Centre for Acoustic-Mechanical Micro Systems, CAMM får en ny leder, der er ekspert i sammenhængen mellem akustik og mekanik.

Sound Construction Hearing aids Medical equipment and systems
04 APR

Ny computermodel sikrer hurtigere udvikling af høreapparater

Ung forsker har optimeret de simuleringsmodeller, der anvendes til udvikling af nye høreapparater. De nødvendige beregninger kan nu gennemføres op til 20 gange hurtigere...

Electrotechnology Sound Hearing aids Medical equipment and systems
20 DEC

Best teachers of the semester

The best teachers of the semester were announced this week at a DTU Elektro Department meeting.

Electrotechnology Sound Medical equipment and systems
14 MAY

Collaboration strengthens hearing research

In March, Professor Torsten Dau received Brinch’s honorary award for his hearing research at the highest international level. His is currently engaged in giving DTU’s research...

Hearing aids Medical equipment and systems
DTU's prorektor overrækker Brinchs legat til professor Torsten Dau, DTU Elektro. Foto: Katrine Krogh-Jeppesen
13 MAR

Hæderspris til høreforsker

Professor Torsten Dau fik Brinchs legat som en anerkendelse af, at hans forskning inden for hørelse er på højeste internationale niveau.

Sound Electrotechnology Hearing aids Medical equipment and systems

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26 JANUARY 2025