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31 MAY

Basis established for new generation of loudspeakers

Mathematical model makes it possible to design future loudspeakers with a shape and in a material which significantly improve sound quality and which design engineers would...

Sound Innovation and product development Construction
(Photo: Jan Antonin Kolar, Unsplash)
31 MAY

Grundlaget for en ny generation af højttalere er skabt

Matematisk model giver mulighed for at designe fremtidige højttalere med en form og i et materiale, der forbedrer lydkvaliteten markant, og som designingeniører næppe selv...

Sound Construction Innovation and product development
06 NOV

Inaugural lecture on acoustic-mechanical microsystems

Frieder Lucklum is a new Professor at the Centre for Acoustic-Mechanical Microsystems (CAMM) at DTU Electrical Engineering.

Sound Construction Hearing aids Medical equipment and systems
Provost Rasmus Larsen, Professor Frieder Lucklum, and Head of Department Preben Jørgensen, DTU Electrical Engineering. (Photo: Nadia Jane Larsen).
06 NOV

Tiltrædelsesforelæsning om akustik og mekanik i mikroskala

Frieder Lucklum er ny professor ved Centre for Acoustic-Mechanical Microsystems (CAMM) på DTU Elektro.

Sound Construction Hearing aids Medical equipment and systems
10 AUG

Hear the acoustics of your building before it is built

New research aims to develop a method for real-time reproduction of acoustics when moving around in a digital model of a coming building while wearing VR glasses and headphones...

Electrotechnology Sound Building design
Man using virtual reality headset (Photo: George Dolgikh/Colourbox)
10 AUG

Hør akustikken i din bygning, før den bliver bygget

Ny forskning skal udvikle en metode til at gengive akustikken real-time, når man iført VR-briller og hovedtelefoner bevæger sig rundt i en digital model af en kommende...

Electrotechnology Sound Building design
Model med metamaterialer. (foto: DTU Elektro)
11 MAR

Metamaterialer kan forbedre lydisolering markant

En ung forsker har påvist, at metamaterialer ikke blot i teorien, men også i praksis har lovende effekt som lydisolering. 

Sound Materials Materials technology
Frieder Lucklum (Foto: Benny Johansen)
06 JAN

Ny leder af CAMM centret

Centre for Acoustic-Mechanical Micro Systems, CAMM får en ny leder, der er ekspert i sammenhængen mellem akustik og mekanik.

Sound Construction Hearing aids Medical equipment and systems
Photo: Nicolai Perjesi
09 NOV

New cooperation on acoustics between DTU and KAIST

DTU and KAIST have joined forces to study the practical application of metamaterials, for example for soundproofing and noise control.

Materials Sound Materials technology
Rendering fra University of Cincinnati. Atrium med store lydmæssige udfordringer (Henning Larsen Architects)
15 MAY

Hør lyden i din nye bygning

Videnskabelige akustik-beregninger vil fremover indgå i de første skitser fra arkitekterne hos Henning Larsen. Ung forsker fra DTU leverer data, modeller og simulationer...

Sound Electrotechnology Building design

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26 JANUARY 2025